Friday, January 04, 2008

OMG YES!!!!!!!!!!!!

YES!!!! I finished the baby blanket!! I am so happy because I was getting bored of knitting squares and crocheting. Here is a picture but the lighting isn't so great so I will get another one with better lighting. Now, I am working on: A navy blue drawstring bag (on the left), and I am working on my dad's black scarf that I feel really guilty for not working on because I want to get it done by his birthday in March and he wants it long and it is not quite long and then I am also knitting them with skinny needles. Well, I am doing that with the drawstring bag but the drawstring is SO fun!!

1 comment:

Sketched Soul said...

Hello Cinnamon :)

I just saw your pretty blanket on Barakah's site, you did a fabulous job!!

Happy knitting!

Take care