Wednesday, March 05, 2008


Ok I am REALLY REALLY REALLY sorry i haven't posted for a long time!!! we got this virus on my comp, and unless my mom enters the password for it, ur not alowed to go on it. and my mom didn't entr the password for this. anyways, I finished that purple hat with the bamboo yarn like, 500 YEARS ago...and 2day, while i was doing a backhandspring at circus (yes, i do go to circus), I sprained or did something to my wrist. which hurt.

Anyways! Back to the subject. right, now, (althogh i will NEVER really finish it with all this writing i always am trying to fit into my schedule) I am knitting this really cool scarf with bobbles in the middle, a garter-stitch border, and then right before or after the garter-stitch border, is YO eyelets. It is supposed to be 4 my teacher as an end-of-the-year gift but i might just make a really easy scarf such as garter stitch but with noveltey yarn. ok, from now on, i am going to spell "stitch" , "stich" b/c that way i can type faster.

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