Sunday, December 30, 2007

new needles

so, I got these new needles. and there is something very special about them: They are size 17!!(U.S) It's so awesome! I have this ugly sock yarn that i know I will never make a sock out of and I thought maybe i could knit a scarf for my friend with that to make it super lacy but it was such an ugly color that I decided not to. The needles are aluminum so when you clank them against each other it sounds all hollow. I find it very hard to knit with them though. THEY ARE REALLY COOL THO!!!! yay!
I also got some more yarn for my blanket that I am making(It was too small to make 3x3 so I have to make it 4x4) and I am making this really cool pattern that is too hard to explain so you will see what it looks like in the picture I take of it when it is done.

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