Today is my birthday-January 20-and i got basically at least 1 ball/skein of yarn from each person that was invited to my birthday party. I am now knitting on one of he yarns which is kiddo by Crystal Palace Yarns or something. I got that from Hanna. O yea and the kiddo yarn is going to be a scarf (thats kind of obvious) for my cousin-who lives near D.C.- Aminder. Shes like, six? I dunno but I want to give it to her because it would look GREAT on a little six year old you know? (After all, it is called kiddo) :)
From my parents (and sister), I got a knitting book that I picked out from Cody's Books or something on 4th street. My mom bought it but said that I could have it only after my b-day. I also got these AWESOME socks which are knee-high which I also picked out...and this REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY CUTE lamp thing from Ikea that looks like a ghost but blue. I sort knew it was going to be that only because Livi told me when I said, "What is it?" although i wasn't actually serious but she told me anyways that it was a lamp from Ikea. She was also saying that it was really blue because she thought that my parents had gotten the GREEN one so when I opened it and it was blue, she broke down and started crying because she was teasing me.
Speaking of Livi, her ear was hurting this morning really badly so we went to the doctors office and in that ear, there was a HUGE block of earwax that was solid so the doctor was trying to get it out with this tool but that didn't work so we had to use hydrogen peroxide or something to sort of soak it up and then it would hopefully be soft enough to move to see if there was an ear infection or what ever but the hydrogen only made it a leeetle bit moveable but the doctor said that it was an ear infection so then after we left the doctors office, we went to pick up some medicine for Livi and since i REALLY didn't want to go inside since I was starving, I just stayed in the car and it ended up taking an hour to get the medicine, I was so p**sed off because I was starving you know, but ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS I feel much better once I eat. So enough about Livi and more about me.
I got these circular needles-which again, I picked out- and I was going to make a hat, and it was going great until I had to knit the first round which had too much space between the stitches and the tip of the needle so I had to stretch it and it REALLY didn't work. I got some yarn which I picked out at the Longs in Rockridge and it is really cool there because they have yarn, although its not a good selection but its better than the rest of Longs.
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