Sunday, May 10, 2009
Come to ourWorld!!!
hi, i haven't been on for awhile 'cause I don't really have time to knit/blog anymore, but I do sometimes go on .
(don't know if that will work. do i have to put it in the side bar?)
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Long Time No See
Hey, here I am about a year later. I am so busy now, I've got tons more Homework than I used to, less time, and a lot less time for knitting. Instead (I haven't been doing this much either since school started), I write a lot more. I started a new blog, which I will be posting on a lot more, called See's Writers Block. (See's as in C's) The URL is I hope you can take some time to read it!
On a more knitting hand, I am knitting this hat in a maroon color for this statue in my dad's store, and I'm going to make it pointy. Only I've knitted only about 1". But that's ok, because I am happy.
On a more knitting hand, I am knitting this hat in a maroon color for this statue in my dad's store, and I'm going to make it pointy. Only I've knitted only about 1". But that's ok, because I am happy.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
}:) EVIL ME!
sorry i never got around to posting, we got this virus on our comp and then there is this password to get into every website i want to go into, unless my mom enters it in and she didn't do it for this. luckily, that was on internet explorer and this is on mozzila firefox so it doesn't have the filter.
Anyways, i am working on i think two scarves that aren't getting anywhere, because the first one with the cable that i showed a long time ago is barely long enough to fit around my neck, and this other one, well, it is like, brioche stitch (i think that's how u spell it) and its only like an inch and a half long.
Circus classes are going very well, I am deffinetly becoming more flexible (not that i already am as some of my friends might say =]) , which is good, and I'm okay at cartwheels and front tucks. at one of my make-up classes, i was jumping on this really bouncy trampoline, and then i did a seat drop, intending to do a swivel hip, but it was so bouncy that i did the seat drop then sort of twisted my back, while again bouncing so high that i landed on my side. that, really hurt.
sorry for not posting about knitting, i didn't think there was enough facts and things to tell about it
Anyways, i am working on i think two scarves that aren't getting anywhere, because the first one with the cable that i showed a long time ago is barely long enough to fit around my neck, and this other one, well, it is like, brioche stitch (i think that's how u spell it) and its only like an inch and a half long.
Circus classes are going very well, I am deffinetly becoming more flexible (not that i already am as some of my friends might say =]) , which is good, and I'm okay at cartwheels and front tucks. at one of my make-up classes, i was jumping on this really bouncy trampoline, and then i did a seat drop, intending to do a swivel hip, but it was so bouncy that i did the seat drop then sort of twisted my back, while again bouncing so high that i landed on my side. that, really hurt.
sorry for not posting about knitting, i didn't think there was enough facts and things to tell about it
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Ok I am REALLY REALLY REALLY sorry i haven't posted for a long time!!! we got this virus on my comp, and unless my mom enters the password for it, ur not alowed to go on it. and my mom didn't entr the password for this. anyways, I finished that purple hat with the bamboo yarn like, 500 YEARS ago...and 2day, while i was doing a backhandspring at circus (yes, i do go to circus), I sprained or did something to my wrist. which hurt.
Anyways! Back to the subject. right, now, (althogh i will NEVER really finish it with all this writing i always am trying to fit into my schedule) I am knitting this really cool scarf with bobbles in the middle, a garter-stitch border, and then right before or after the garter-stitch border, is YO eyelets. It is supposed to be 4 my teacher as an end-of-the-year gift but i might just make a really easy scarf such as garter stitch but with noveltey yarn. ok, from now on, i am going to spell "stitch" , "stich" b/c that way i can type faster.
Anyways! Back to the subject. right, now, (althogh i will NEVER really finish it with all this writing i always am trying to fit into my schedule) I am knitting this really cool scarf with bobbles in the middle, a garter-stitch border, and then right before or after the garter-stitch border, is YO eyelets. It is supposed to be 4 my teacher as an end-of-the-year gift but i might just make a really easy scarf such as garter stitch but with noveltey yarn. ok, from now on, i am going to spell "stitch" , "stich" b/c that way i can type faster.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Today I went to the LYS and got some cool bamboo yarn that is going to turn into a hat for my dad's mom in Indonesia.

Yes, I have started it about an hour ago and just LOOK at how far I am!! must be about an inch or so!! As you can see, I am just adding more clutter to the house (not that we NEED any more with my dad and mom getting all mad when we leave stuff around) In the backround, you can see the 8th Harry Potter CD for the 7th book. get it? soo, there are 17 CDs, and then I am now listening to the 8th CD, which Jim Dale is narrarating from the 7th Harry Potter. Never mind if you don't get it. Here's another pic of my knitting:
Lotsa clutter!! Here's also a picture of the cable scarf I am making with yummy Malabrigo yarn that I was talking about:

Hopefully, I have given enough pictures to satisfy you since I haven't been posting pics for awhile.
For an end-of-the-year present to Ms. Makela (my teacher), I plan to knit an airy scarf, maybe with a little ruffle on the ends or something.

Hopefully, I have given enough pictures to satisfy you since I haven't been posting pics for awhile.
For an end-of-the-year present to Ms. Makela (my teacher), I plan to knit an airy scarf, maybe with a little ruffle on the ends or something.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Cable Scarf
Today, after I walked home from school, i put on the 17 Harry Potter CD i borrowed from the Library and started a cable scarf with ribbing on the side-although it SERIOUSLY doesn't look like ribbing b/c i only did like 3 ribs so u can't tell it's ribbing-. I am REALLY sorry i don't have any pictures for you to view, but that's b/c i am too lazy to get out my mom and dad's store camera, and then upload everything and blah blah blah. (See? i'm even too lazy to just talk about it!!)
Recently, I've been having this pain in my calf, (the leg type of calf, cuz i don't have a cow-calf) and it really hurts when I walk sometimes so occasionally, I have to limp. And this mom just wasn't kind enough to give me a ride to school (even though it's about 2 blocks away but...still, my leg hurts!! so what am I supposed to do?), so i had to walk to school at 7:45 in the morning to get to band, but UNFORTUNATELY...THERE WASN"T BAND!!! UGH!! I trugged out of the house at 7:45 to go to school and find that there wasn't band! And often, when there isn't band, I try to get a snack, because my MOTHER doesn't pack them, (and neither does she pack lunch for me) and i would have gotten it if I knew there wasn't band!!
And now, HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!!!!!!! I made a really nice Valentine for my dad that has bubble stuff, where you blow bubbles with a straw into a mixture of paint; soap and water and then once you have the bubbles poking from over you're container, you can lay your piece of paper ontop of it so that you get this bubble look on your paper. Anyways, so I printed a message to him on vellum in French Script font and then trimmed the edges with those type of scissors that has a little fancy edge on it. After that, I got some "marble" paper that had bright green and yellow swirls in it and put it ontop of the edge of the vellum and on the paper. (the vellum is smaller than the piece of paper) it's really hard to explain so I won't explain it.
Recently, I've been having this pain in my calf, (the leg type of calf, cuz i don't have a cow-calf) and it really hurts when I walk sometimes so occasionally, I have to limp. And this mom just wasn't kind enough to give me a ride to school (even though it's about 2 blocks away but...still, my leg hurts!! so what am I supposed to do?), so i had to walk to school at 7:45 in the morning to get to band, but UNFORTUNATELY...THERE WASN"T BAND!!! UGH!! I trugged out of the house at 7:45 to go to school and find that there wasn't band! And often, when there isn't band, I try to get a snack, because my MOTHER doesn't pack them, (and neither does she pack lunch for me) and i would have gotten it if I knew there wasn't band!!
And now, HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!!!!!!! I made a really nice Valentine for my dad that has bubble stuff, where you blow bubbles with a straw into a mixture of paint; soap and water and then once you have the bubbles poking from over you're container, you can lay your piece of paper ontop of it so that you get this bubble look on your paper. Anyways, so I printed a message to him on vellum in French Script font and then trimmed the edges with those type of scissors that has a little fancy edge on it. After that, I got some "marble" paper that had bright green and yellow swirls in it and put it ontop of the edge of the vellum and on the paper. (the vellum is smaller than the piece of paper) it's really hard to explain so I won't explain it.
Happy Valentines Day!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, February 09, 2008
About a week ago, I went to K2Tog and there, I got some Puffing yarn by Crystal Palace Yarns and made a pair of mittens for my mom that is too big in one day. I was WORKING AND WORKING to get them done.
Sorry I haven't posted for a week. I have been busy writing on my story about this girl who gets kidnapped in a magical world and yeah. Also, I don't really have anything to knit. I finished the wrist warmers that I did not make out of the Red Heart Yarn, instead, I used Malabrigo from K2Tog. (KNitting our world together) since they are made of wool probably (and not felted), they are pilling and it's getting really annoying.The nice thing about them is that you can type or write with them well since you don't have the fingers on them. but, if you are trying to keep your hands warm, they are NOT good. They are so cool because they have a little round of yarn-overs. ok. I'm not sure what to talk about now since I don't have any knitting things to talk about.
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Pop Quiz
Ok. this isn't exactly a pop quiz, but a survey. post your results on your blog, and put your blog name in the comments. then, if you put it on your blog, you might also want to put my blog in there...actually no! you don't have to. because...o blah blah blah i am too lazy to explain. just...take the quiz, and do what i said to do several sentences ago.
1: What type of yarn do you typically use the most?
A: Wool
B: Acrylic
C: Cotton
D: Other (put what you use the most in your results as well.
2: What type of needles do you like?
A: Metal
B: Wood
C: Bamboo
D: Plastic
3: What size needles do you like best?
A: Really, really, really skinny needles like size (in U.S.) 0-4
B: Skinny-ish needles but not super skinny like size (ditto) 5-7
C: Medium needles like size 8-11
D: FAT needles like size 13 (is there such size?) to 50
4: what type of yarn do you like best? (note: this is different from Q # 1)
A: Wool
B: Acrylic
C: cotton
D: Other (put what you like in your results)
5: What type of projects do you knit most?
A: Big projects like sweaters and afghans
B: Small projects like handkerchiefs and scarves
C: Medium ones like hats and bags
Now, Please, tell me what your name is.
1: What type of yarn do you typically use the most?
A: Wool
B: Acrylic
C: Cotton
D: Other (put what you use the most in your results as well.
2: What type of needles do you like?
A: Metal
B: Wood
C: Bamboo
D: Plastic
3: What size needles do you like best?
A: Really, really, really skinny needles like size (in U.S.) 0-4
B: Skinny-ish needles but not super skinny like size (ditto) 5-7
C: Medium needles like size 8-11
D: FAT needles like size 13 (is there such size?) to 50
4: what type of yarn do you like best? (note: this is different from Q # 1)
A: Wool
B: Acrylic
C: cotton
D: Other (put what you like in your results)
5: What type of projects do you knit most?
A: Big projects like sweaters and afghans
B: Small projects like handkerchiefs and scarves
C: Medium ones like hats and bags
Now, Please, tell me what your name is.
Yesterday's hat
I finished the hat I was making yesterday at 12 in the morning. It's a bit short, so I should have knitted a little bit more before I started decreasing but it's still cool because I put a little pom-pom on the top to cover the little hole and it's really cute!
I am making some wrist/arm warmers with little thumb holes with some MORE Red Heart Yarns except its the Super Saver kind. It's really cheap, probably because it's acrylic. Anyways, the W/A warmers have a navy blue 1x1 ribbing and then it is white in stockinette stitch. It's really cool but it seems a bit big so if it is, then my mom can wear them to her work where she types and stares at the computer all day. That way, she can keep her arms/wrists warm while she types. She has been begging for mittens or gloves but I keep on pointing out that they will be pointless when she goes to work. *tsk, tsk*
I plan to make another hat like the little hat I made (previous, previous paragraph) except make it a little longer but still with a purl row after two rows of ST stitch and then little yarn overs. It is REALLY REALLY cute!
Note: Sorry for no pictures! I am at my grandparent's house and they don't have a camera on their computer (naturally, it's not a mac) and so I can't take any pictures. Yes, yes i know you'll say, "But can't you just take it with a camera?" well, in answer to that question, I don't have a camera with me and I am too lazy to connect it to a computer, and then etc, etc etc. Anyways, I don't even know where to do it on our computer, let alone my grandparent's computer.
I am making some wrist/arm warmers with little thumb holes with some MORE Red Heart Yarns except its the Super Saver kind. It's really cheap, probably because it's acrylic. Anyways, the W/A warmers have a navy blue 1x1 ribbing and then it is white in stockinette stitch. It's really cool but it seems a bit big so if it is, then my mom can wear them to her work where she types and stares at the computer all day. That way, she can keep her arms/wrists warm while she types. She has been begging for mittens or gloves but I keep on pointing out that they will be pointless when she goes to work. *tsk, tsk*
I plan to make another hat like the little hat I made (previous, previous paragraph) except make it a little longer but still with a purl row after two rows of ST stitch and then little yarn overs. It is REALLY REALLY cute!
Note: Sorry for no pictures! I am at my grandparent's house and they don't have a camera on their computer (naturally, it's not a mac) and so I can't take any pictures. Yes, yes i know you'll say, "But can't you just take it with a camera?" well, in answer to that question, I don't have a camera with me and I am too lazy to connect it to a computer, and then etc, etc etc. Anyways, I don't even know where to do it on our computer, let alone my grandparent's computer.
Friday, February 01, 2008
I have started a hat with Red Heart Yarn color Dusk and I think that it is really pretty because I did a round of yarn overs so it looks pretty cool. the only thing I am afraid of is that I'm not sure how to decrease. I will look on this Crazy Aunt Purl blog because I once saw a pattern for what I an doing. Pictures if I finish the hat!
Monday, January 28, 2008
A little something about the previous post...
Ya know on the previous post, where I kept on saying, "Umm....oh yea. wait what?" you know. ya get the idea. so anyways. I was actually forgetting what I was saying. I wasn't doing that just to be funny! trust me!
A little more "review" news about knitting. (or crocheting depending on what I think of what to say.) I...(thinking of what to say...) knitting a little hat for my lil' sis Livi, and...I am still crocheting the blanket! I really have to go now.
Oh yes and have you noticed that I posted like, 3-4 posts today? lol. I am SO funny! (just kidding :P)
Ok...Mistake AGAIN!
so, in the previous post, I said that blah blah blah you can just read it. instead of 2 posts ago, its actually 3 posts ago as far as I know...but you can't always rely on my to get everything correct. Anyways, what was I going to say? I was itching to say it...Oh yea. Ummm.....Oh Yes! Ugh-oh yea. m-hm. I was going to say that I could always go back and change it, but it's WAY more fun to make a whole new post and talk and think...and not talk about knitting! just kidding. I do like to talk about knitting, but I believe that I talked about knitting 2 or 3 posts ago. (judging on how many times I created a new post to correct my self:) )
I know that...two posts ago, I said that on the January 20 post that after the red font, it was black but I changed it to white so that you can read it. I might be tripping you up but what I realy am saying is that: Ignore what I said 2 posts ago.
Another hat!

So, I dunno if I mentioned this, but I am going to tell you that I am making another hat like this (on right), for Livi. I wore it to school today and it was SUPER ITCHY! Oh well. What can I do about it? I already said I would make one for Livi in the same yarn so that we could be matching but I haven't told her it was itchy. (*smirk*) So...Yes. I will knit another of those hats-and the really cool thing is that it is knitted in garter stitch-and am hoping that it will be fun. On my hat, I accidentally did the decreases for the child's hat but luckily, it still fits.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
IQ Test.
I know, this isn't about knitting.
I took this IQ test on the internet (But it wasn't age seperated so I can't believe that this would be my real score in an IQ test) and got this score. But the first time I took it, my Logical intelligance was "below average" and my verbal intelligance was "genius" and my mathematical intelligance was average and then my general knowledge was below average. But the mathematical and the general knowledge might have been reversed I dunno. here are my results for my second time. Oh yea and my IQ was 90 last time. :(
***Your IQ Is 85***
Your Logical Intelligence is Average
Your Verbal Intelligence is Above Average
Your Mathematical Intelligence is Average
Your General Knowledge is Average
A Quick and Dirty IQ Test
I took this IQ test on the internet (But it wasn't age seperated so I can't believe that this would be my real score in an IQ test) and got this score. But the first time I took it, my Logical intelligance was "below average" and my verbal intelligance was "genius" and my mathematical intelligance was average and then my general knowledge was below average. But the mathematical and the general knowledge might have been reversed I dunno. here are my results for my second time. Oh yea and my IQ was 90 last time. :(
***Your IQ Is 85***
Your Logical Intelligence is Average
Your Verbal Intelligence is Above Average
Your Mathematical Intelligence is Average
Your General Knowledge is Average
A Quick and Dirty IQ Test
On the January 20 post, I accidentaly made it black when it was supposed to be white after I wrote about the Kiddo yarn in red. I appoligize for that mistake.
About the knitting, I am following a pattern from a little booklet that you can buy at Micheals. Normally it's required yarn is right next to it too. Anyways, so I am knititng a garter stich hat that is supposed to be knitted in Pattons, Divine yarn but I didn't like any of the colors they had so I used this really cool yarn called Black Magic and it is like 2 strands of fluffy yarn, green-blue and black twisted together. It's also really pretty knitted although I almost thoroghly convinced that it would look much better in Stockinette stitch but Oh well. I am following the pattern so I hope it will work. If I like knitting it, then I will knit one for Livi (little sis) in a smaller size.
I am also crocheting a blanket that will probably take a year or so to finished since I am not that good at crocheting.
About the knitting, I am following a pattern from a little booklet that you can buy at Micheals. Normally it's required yarn is right next to it too. Anyways, so I am knititng a garter stich hat that is supposed to be knitted in Pattons, Divine yarn but I didn't like any of the colors they had so I used this really cool yarn called Black Magic and it is like 2 strands of fluffy yarn, green-blue and black twisted together. It's also really pretty knitted although I almost thoroghly convinced that it would look much better in Stockinette stitch but Oh well. I am following the pattern so I hope it will work. If I like knitting it, then I will knit one for Livi (little sis) in a smaller size.
I am also crocheting a blanket that will probably take a year or so to finished since I am not that good at crocheting.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
I'm sorry I haven't been posting very often. I am, currently knitting a stockinete scarf which curls nicely but I am thinking that that is too boring. I have also not been posting because when I get home after school, I don't often go on my blog because I am either chatting with friends, or knitting or reading or doing homework.
So, about knitting. I don't think I told you, that I was making a guitar strap for my guitar I recieved from my dad for my birthday. I was going to knit it, and then felt it. I did do that but the problem is that when I was felting it- I felted it by hand -I was rubbing the fabric together with my knuckles, so I now have cuts on my knuckles that are quite painful. So...yes. I have felted that, but i have not yet attached that to the guitar so I can't use it yet. Gotta run. Bye
So, about knitting. I don't think I told you, that I was making a guitar strap for my guitar I recieved from my dad for my birthday. I was going to knit it, and then felt it. I did do that but the problem is that when I was felting it- I felted it by hand -I was rubbing the fabric together with my knuckles, so I now have cuts on my knuckles that are quite painful. So...yes. I have felted that, but i have not yet attached that to the guitar so I can't use it yet. Gotta run. Bye
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Birthday Presents!

Today is my birthday-January 20-and i got basically at least 1 ball/skein of yarn from each person that was invited to my birthday party. I am now knitting on one of he yarns which is kiddo by Crystal Palace Yarns or something. I got that from Hanna. O yea and the kiddo yarn is going to be a scarf (thats kind of obvious) for my cousin-who lives near D.C.- Aminder. Shes like, six? I dunno but I want to give it to her because it would look GREAT on a little six year old you know? (After all, it is called kiddo) :)
From my parents (and sister), I got a knitting book that I picked out from Cody's Books or something on 4th street. My mom bought it but said that I could have it only after my b-day. I also got these AWESOME socks which are knee-high which I also picked out...and this REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY CUTE lamp thing from Ikea that looks like a ghost but blue. I sort knew it was going to be that only because Livi told me when I said, "What is it?" although i wasn't actually serious but she told me anyways that it was a lamp from Ikea. She was also saying that it was really blue because she thought that my parents had gotten the GREEN one so when I opened it and it was blue, she broke down and started crying because she was teasing me.
Speaking of Livi, her ear was hurting this morning really badly so we went to the doctors office and in that ear, there was a HUGE block of earwax that was solid so the doctor was trying to get it out with this tool but that didn't work so we had to use hydrogen peroxide or something to sort of soak it up and then it would hopefully be soft enough to move to see if there was an ear infection or what ever but the hydrogen only made it a leeetle bit moveable but the doctor said that it was an ear infection so then after we left the doctors office, we went to pick up some medicine for Livi and since i REALLY didn't want to go inside since I was starving, I just stayed in the car and it ended up taking an hour to get the medicine, I was so p**sed off because I was starving you know, but ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS I feel much better once I eat. So enough about Livi and more about me.
I got these circular needles-which again, I picked out- and I was going to make a hat, and it was going great until I had to knit the first round which had too much space between the stitches and the tip of the needle so I had to stretch it and it REALLY didn't work. I got some yarn which I picked out at the Longs in Rockridge and it is really cool there because they have yarn, although its not a good selection but its better than the rest of Longs.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Draw-String Bag
Did I already mention this? That for the craft fair at my mom's work,
I am going to make more of the draw-string bags but maybe I will make some of them velcro, or zippered or what ever. I am almost done with my dad's black scarf which is really good because I have been getting really bored with plain, old black. Then, I will be working on my mom's jade-green scarf which are going to be knitted in size 17 needles because I think it will go fastest that way. I could do drop stitch but I might not because I am thinking that it might be pretty holey the way it is. It is chunky chenille yarn though.
I am going to make more of the draw-string bags but maybe I will make some of them velcro, or zippered or what ever. I am almost done with my dad's black scarf which is really good because I have been getting really bored with plain, old black. Then, I will be working on my mom's jade-green scarf which are going to be knitted in size 17 needles because I think it will go fastest that way. I could do drop stitch but I might not because I am thinking that it might be pretty holey the way it is. It is chunky chenille yarn though.
Friday, January 11, 2008
On the 20 it will be my birthday! I really can't wait and I really hope i get some new yarn. I just taught my dad how to make a blog and it's about his store where he stocks stuff for your garden like Buddahs and stuff. to see it, go to his blog, Gardensia.
He also has this website for his store gardensia.
Anyways, back to topic.I am still working on my dad's black scarf that he wants but he said he will pay me! I was going to give it to him for his birthday.
He also has this website for his store gardensia.
Anyways, back to topic.I am still working on my dad's black scarf that he wants but he said he will pay me! I was going to give it to him for his birthday.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
really excited
I am really excited because at my mom's work (she works at a college but not as a teacher), at the end of each year, in December, they have this craft fair where you can sell things you have made so I plan to sell some things that I make. The only thing I have been working on lately is my dad's black scarf which he wants really long so I have to work on it for a while. After I am done with that, I will work on my mom's jade-green-chenille scarf on size 17 needles. After I finish that, I will start working on things like scarves for the craft fair. I love going to SFSU because I love going on campus!!! (and buying stuff) So yea. I really want to learn some new "beginner" knitting things. YAY!! I hate learning about the Sun at school. I'd rather learn something else. At least it's not Living science. I HATE LIVING SCIENCE!!! sorry for getting off topic. But I really do.
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Draw-string bag

So, I finished my draw-string bag and it is so cool! I alternated it a little bit from the instructions I wrote down for I wrote the instructions before I finshed the bag. I was thinking I could use it to hold knitting like when my mom takes me to the store, instead of holding the yarn under my arm, I can put it in the little bag and then wear the bag. That was like the origional thing I was going to do with it but then I thought hmmm...I could actually use ths as a baag I carry around. (Not that I do carry around a bag but what ever.I might also sew on a white pocket onto the bag so I can clip my i-Pod shuffle to it.
Friday, January 04, 2008
Pattern for Draw-string bag
Here is the pattern for the draw-string bag. The cool thing about it is that it is exactly the right size for my head so if I knew how to make hats, I could make one for me. Ok. NOTE: READ THE WHOLE SET OF DIRECTIONS BEFORE MAKING THIS PROJECT. Directions:
-DK weight yarn (Not sure about that but...)
-"In-the-round" needles size 5 maybe...I am not sure about all this stuff. I just knit with what I have.
-Yarn needle.
-Another color of yarn for the handle
Cast On 75 stitches. Knit first row. When finished with row, join ends (be sure that when joining ends, that the knitting is not twisted or else you will have to start over to fix it. ((I am serious)) ) Knit in garter stitch until desired length is reached. Your knitting should automaticaly be in stockinette even though you are working in garter. Bind off.
Take yarn needle and sew one end together in second color with flat side of knitting facing the outside of the bag. When done, hide end inside bag. After that, cut 2 pieces of yarn twice the size you want of your handle. put them together and tie one end to a skinny, firm place where you can pull and the yarn will now come off. Once tied on, twist at the other end, (not the end it is tied onto) and keep on twisting until REALLY REALLY REALLY twisted. When satisfied, hold the end while holding the middle (each in 2 different hands)and then fold the end up to the tied end and make sure that you are still holding onto the middle and then once straight, you can let go of the middle.
Note: If you want the piece of yarn to be more twisted, you can always unfold it and twist it more. Untie or cut off the end that is tied to the stick or what ever. After that, tie the ends onto opposite sides of the bag to make the handle.
Once you have made the handle, you have to make another twisted yarn thing in the second color. (Not the body color.) Once you have made it, weave it into the fabric at the top , as if you were doing the running stitch when you are sewing. Then, tie the ends together. Or, you can tie a knot at each of the ends but I tend to find that this does not work as well because the knots sometimes go through the knitting.
Note: Your bag may break and I am not responsible for broken items. It was your choice to make it.
Optional stuff:
Block your piece
Embroider something on the bag
Knit this project in stripes
Knit this in REALLY thin needles to make it even more needle proof
Got an idea? Comment!
-DK weight yarn (Not sure about that but...)
-"In-the-round" needles size 5 maybe...I am not sure about all this stuff. I just knit with what I have.
-Yarn needle.
-Another color of yarn for the handle
Cast On 75 stitches. Knit first row. When finished with row, join ends (be sure that when joining ends, that the knitting is not twisted or else you will have to start over to fix it. ((I am serious)) ) Knit in garter stitch until desired length is reached. Your knitting should automaticaly be in stockinette even though you are working in garter. Bind off.
Take yarn needle and sew one end together in second color with flat side of knitting facing the outside of the bag. When done, hide end inside bag. After that, cut 2 pieces of yarn twice the size you want of your handle. put them together and tie one end to a skinny, firm place where you can pull and the yarn will now come off. Once tied on, twist at the other end, (not the end it is tied onto) and keep on twisting until REALLY REALLY REALLY twisted. When satisfied, hold the end while holding the middle (each in 2 different hands)and then fold the end up to the tied end and make sure that you are still holding onto the middle and then once straight, you can let go of the middle.
Note: If you want the piece of yarn to be more twisted, you can always unfold it and twist it more. Untie or cut off the end that is tied to the stick or what ever. After that, tie the ends onto opposite sides of the bag to make the handle.
Once you have made the handle, you have to make another twisted yarn thing in the second color. (Not the body color.) Once you have made it, weave it into the fabric at the top , as if you were doing the running stitch when you are sewing. Then, tie the ends together. Or, you can tie a knot at each of the ends but I tend to find that this does not work as well because the knots sometimes go through the knitting.
Note: Your bag may break and I am not responsible for broken items. It was your choice to make it.
Optional stuff:
Block your piece
Embroider something on the bag
Knit this project in stripes
Knit this in REALLY thin needles to make it even more needle proof
Got an idea? Comment!
OMG YES!!!!!!!!!!!!

YES!!!! I finished the baby blanket!! I am so happy because I was getting bored of knitting squares and crocheting. Here is a picture but the lighting isn't so great so I will get another one with better lighting. Now, I am working on: A navy blue drawstring bag (on the left), and I am working on my dad's black scarf that I feel really guilty for not working on because I want to get it done by his birthday in March and he wants it long and it is not quite long and then I am also knitting them with skinny needles. Well, I am doing that with the drawstring bag but the drawstring is SO fun!!
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
This is REALLY good.
this is so perfect. i am almost done i just have to finish 1 square. la la la i am so happy.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Yay!i only have to make 3 more squars nd then i am done with the blanket. well, i hve to crochet it together too i suppose but i will be dne with the knitting. I have some pics of my lil' sis hoos 4 years old knitting. she can't knit alot at once but last night she knitted like, 2 or 3 ros! (which is quite good for her)
Sunday, December 30, 2007
new needles
so, I got these new needles. and there is something very special about them: They are size 17!!(U.S) It's so awesome! I have this ugly sock yarn that i know I will never make a sock out of and I thought maybe i could knit a scarf for my friend with that to make it super lacy but it was such an ugly color that I decided not to. The needles are aluminum so when you clank them against each other it sounds all hollow. I find it very hard to knit with them though. THEY ARE REALLY COOL THO!!!! yay!
I also got some more yarn for my blanket that I am making(It was too small to make 3x3 so I have to make it 4x4) and I am making this really cool pattern that is too hard to explain so you will see what it looks like in the picture I take of it when it is done.
I also got some more yarn for my blanket that I am making(It was too small to make 3x3 so I have to make it 4x4) and I am making this really cool pattern that is too hard to explain so you will see what it looks like in the picture I take of it when it is done.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
New Yarn
I got new yarn from this place in Carmel called Knitting By The Sea. It is this pretty greenish yarn that is lime and then it is sort of thick. It is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO pretty! I luv it.
8th square
i am now working on my 8th square which is black. (I decided i would make a diagonal stripe and then since i have four multi color ones, i will place thoes around the center black one. I will make one more solid colored one to make two and then those will be in the corners where the black ones aren't. U'll see) I can't wait to be finished and see how it looks. and i am sorta glad that they r not traditional baby colors cuz then those are sorta boring and I like mine better. :)
what should I knit for my mom and my 4 year old sister for Christmas or their birthdays that are simple?
I am thinking what I should knit for my 4 year old sister for either her birthday(May) or Christmas that is quite easy to make. Same goes for my mom. I thought maybe I could make her a bag but the thing is that I don't have much patience for things with large rows. Any ideas? Please comment if you have an idea.
Pattern for baby blanket
I am writing down this pattern (for a baby blanket)so that I can remember it but so i can show it 2.
Size 8.0mm needles(size 11 U.S)
prob. medim worsted weight-worsted weight yarn in lots of colors.
yarn needle
yarn for sewing squares together
Cast on 20 stitches. Knit until your knitting is square. (IDK how many rows that is.)Bind off. Make about 8 more squares (depending how big you want it to be) Sew together using yarn needle.
Take ribbon and sew onto the edges
Embroider something onto the front
Do both!
Have a good time knitting this! (if you want to)
Size 8.0mm needles(size 11 U.S)
prob. medim worsted weight-worsted weight yarn in lots of colors.
yarn needle
yarn for sewing squares together
Cast on 20 stitches. Knit until your knitting is square. (IDK how many rows that is.)Bind off. Make about 8 more squares (depending how big you want it to be) Sew together using yarn needle.
Take ribbon and sew onto the edges
Embroider something onto the front
Do both!
Have a good time knitting this! (if you want to)
All the Squares [so far :)]

Sorry the pictures aren't so great. I had to use the laptop instead of an actual camera. So, here are all of the squares I have been making so far. The first pic is the first one I knitted and the second is the next one and so on. I might not use the extra black because I am trying not to use colors over again.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Next square
So, I finished my 4th square for my baby blanket and it is a little bit smaller than the others but it will stretch to fit the size of the others. Since it is a baby blanket, I hopefully won't have to put too many squares on this blanket but maybe if i want to make blankets in the future, I will have more squares in them. I just hate making no sew blankets because 1 row takes forever (for me, but maybe not for some of those ppl out there)and then 1 row isn't very long so i preffer sewn blankets.
I was thinking about selling some of my scarves i never wear over the internet so I could make some money but knitting seems to take too long for that. Well, it doesn't take too long but I don't exactly have the patience to do it. Like I want to do it for fun but there seems to be too much pressure to finish a scarf because I want to sell it. I will stry and get a picture of my blanket squares soon and you will see that they are not quite good. And i don't know how to block and i wouldn't go throught the trouble of all that because I have to go to school and do school work and stuff like that.
Just over our vacation to L.A. did I seem to become obsessed with knitting. when i was finishing my scarf that is super long but is so cool cuz I crotched a black edge around it and looks really cool and then the yarn changes color about every 3-4 inches when it is knitted so it looks like a rainbow.
I was thinking about selling some of my scarves i never wear over the internet so I could make some money but knitting seems to take too long for that. Well, it doesn't take too long but I don't exactly have the patience to do it. Like I want to do it for fun but there seems to be too much pressure to finish a scarf because I want to sell it. I will stry and get a picture of my blanket squares soon and you will see that they are not quite good. And i don't know how to block and i wouldn't go throught the trouble of all that because I have to go to school and do school work and stuff like that.
Just over our vacation to L.A. did I seem to become obsessed with knitting. when i was finishing my scarf that is super long but is so cool cuz I crotched a black edge around it and looks really cool and then the yarn changes color about every 3-4 inches when it is knitted so it looks like a rainbow.
Baby blanket I'm making
So, I'm making this baby blanket cuz there is this woman and she is going somewhere in West Africa in February and she told a bunch of ppl including my mom that she is collecting baby blankets that are sewn, knitted or crotcheted.(Did I spell that right?) Anyways, so I am knitting a baby blanket cuz I have been UBSESSED with knitting lately. But i have to knit really fast cuz the deadline is January 25, 2008. I already have 3 squares (I am making a sewn knitted blanket) and am working on my 4th even tho I just started today. I am REALLY proud of my self. Srry I am getting self centered.
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